
 Cash-free life: what are the risks?

A new era of finance

Cash has lost its original physical value; we make electronic payments way more often now. The pockets of people are full of thin plastic cards, which are increasingly moving the population away from using physical money.

The governments of different countries purposefully forgo cash and focus on digital economy. Such actions are aimed to successfully combat the shadow economy, crime and corruption, as well as to control residents. The advantages of non-cash payments are the transparency of transactions, the absence of cashiers, the elimination of robberies and the speed of customer support service.

Every country has its own methods for solving problems with cash.

“Dinosaurs” of cashless payments

SWEDEN started to switch to cashless payments back in 2006. Nowadays, cards are accepted everywhere in the country that is actively implementing modern financial technologies.

Since 2014, FRANCE introduced restrictions to limit cash transactions for public services. More than 90% of French population use cards.

The UK began its transition to electronic money in 2013. Now it is a country of mobile payments and electronic money transfers. 80% of Britons have already opted out of cash.

CHINA even celebrates a Cash Free Day, and the government began switching to mobile platforms in 2014.

There are more and more countries in the world that, under the pretext of combating crime and the shadow economy, have succeeded on the path to a cashless society. There is a single payment zone in the EU — SEPA — which connects 36 countries, including 27 EU members, the European Free Trade Association and several others, including Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland.

Cashless payments and electronic currencies are so popular that people gladly give up on cash. When the “pieces of paper” are not backed by physical value, their importance decreases, trust weakens. Unfortunately, electronic money also does not protect people from inflation, economic downturns and risks.

What to invest in? How to preserve what you have earned through hard work?

Eternal money

Gold is the precious metal, which is considered a reliable insurance against financial threats. The value of gold is confirmed by financiers, analysts, economists and ordinary people.

“The momentum is definitely with gold,” said British expert Adrian Day, chairman and chief executive officer of Adrian Day Asset Management.

The features of the yellow metal:

  • Protective asset. If access to the e-bank account is denied due to economic crises and financial force majeure, only gold remains on top of the list of best means of payment or exchange.

  • Precious metal is globally recognized and remains in high demand all over the world.

  • Gold helps to preserve and accumulate the savings of every individual.

  • The price of an ounce of gold is constantly increasing in the long run.

Investment gold is accessible to everyone!

The GIG-OS platform offers everyone to buy gold and create their own gold reserves, because it is reliable, profitable and convenient.


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