
 A prosperous retirement. Should one rely on a pension?

Average reading time — 3 minutes


In recent decades, life expectancy has markedly risen. In this regard, in 2015, the World Health Organization amended the age classification, which now looks like this:

  • 25–44 years old — young age;

  • 44–60 years old — middle age;

  • 60–75 years old — elderly age;

  • 75–90 years old — old age;

  • 90 years and older -— longevity.

Time for new experiences and impressions

It follows from the aforementioned data that retirement does not automatically mean old age. The life of an increasing number of people of retirement age continues to remain active as it provides the opportunity to travel, play sports, do business, etc. Only two conditions must be met: good health and Financial Security.

There are thousands of studies, books, films and websites on how to keep fit at any age. Much less is said about maintaining financial stability. However, it is this factor that is key to a happy life in elderly age. The ability of a person to maintain good health also depends on it.


The looming crisis

Many people hope that the state pension system will provide them with a carefree retirement. But today in most countries this system is in jeopardy, and the reason for this is the already mentioned rise in life expectancy and the aging of the world’s population.

According to the World Health Organization, the number of people over 60 on the planet will double by 2050, which will entail major social and economic changes.

The increase in the number of pensioners puts a heavy strain on state budgets. At the same time, in regions with a low birth rate, the number of working taxpayers is steadily decreasing.

Former U.K. Financial Services Authority Chairman Adair Turner has prepared a report reflecting the situation in 21 countries around the world. The conclusion is as follows: by 2050, major world powers will face a $15.8 trillion deficit in providing financial aid to aging populations.

A question arises: “If aforesaid problems await such economic giants as the USA, China, Germany and Japan, can residents of less wealthy countries hope to receive a pension?”

Your gold retirement fund

There is only one thing left — take your future into your own hands. Make sure that the quality of your life in old age does not depend on the state of the social security system.

What needs to be done for this? Create savings that will allow you to live fully, without struggling for survival. But the currency is not suitable for this matter — it is vulnerable to inflation, economic and political shocks. After 10–20 years, you will hardly be able to buy as many goods and services as today using your savings.

Therefore, wise and farsighted people choose INVESTMENT GOLD. This asset is not subject to inflation and does not depreciate in times of crisis.

A set of gold bars is a guaranteed pension that no one will take away from you. You can always sell the yellow metal and get money to realize your plans.

Gold reserve creation

To supply yourself with the amount of gold you want, you don’t need to save money for a long time and practice austerity. You can build up your personal reserve gradually, bar by bar.

Today you have a unique opportunity to purchase the most sought-after and demanded 100-gram bars profitably, paying for them in parts when it is convenient for you. This opportunity is provided by the

"GIG-OS TimeShift" project.

The payment schedule is organized so as not to burden your personal budget. When laying the foundation for a happy future, there is no need to confine yourself to strict limits. Paying for bars in small installments (parts) over a long period of time helps to avoid financial difficulties in the creation of the gold reserve.

Regular purchase of gold strengthens your Financial Security, ensuring that you will have a decent standard of living in old age. The new project of the GIG-OS platform is your path to a prosperous retirement!

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