
Rules for success in the Information Age

Today, flows of information pervade the whole world, continuously infiltrating our minds. Television, Internet, newspapers, communication and exchange of experience with others... At the University of California, San Diego, it was calculated that the modern human brain processes nearly 34 GB of data daily. This is more than a resident of medieval Europe could process throughout the entire life.

New world — new rules

In the boundless information space, it is easy to get lost or become a victim of manipulation. The ability to navigate never-ending data sets, to distinguish truth from lies and to find highly useful information are vital skills for a modern person.

In the Middle Ages, one could run a successful business (for example, being a shoemaker or a blacksmith) and have no clue what was happening outside one’s village. Additionally, the master passed all the accurate information that was necessary and skills related to the craft directly to the apprentice.

On the contrary, an entrepreneur of the 21st century must be well familiar with the economic and political situation in the country and the world, new technologies, peculiarities of legislation in one's field, etc. But he/she, as a rule, does not have a mentor who would teach the entrepreneur all the necessary things and protect him/her from informational garbage.

Instead, the modern entrepreneur is surrounded by a huge amount of data, sometimes inaccurate, and competitors who are rarely ready to give good advice. However, incorrect information or lack of it can lead to bankruptcy and downfall.

The foundation of effective search

The most important factor in finding the right information is the correct goal setting. If you have a vague idea of what you want to achieve, you will quickly become entangled in streams of contradictory or completely useless data.

It is way easier to navigate the information space, choosing the main thing and filtering out the unnecessary, if your goal is clearly defined.

A navigator in the sea of information

We want as many people to achieve success and be able to help others in this as possible. After all, the more people strive to improve the quality of life for themselves, their family and friends, the more they succeed in their business, the more prosperous the society becomes. For this reason, we have launched the GoalSet Master project — a free online tool for working on goals that is available to everyone.

It will help turn your desire into a clearly formulated goal. You will understand what knowledge you already have, what you lack, and how to make up for it. By using the GSM, you will also determine exactly how and with whom you should engage in communication, so that they would be more willing to help you in realizing your plans.

You will know exactly: 

  • what to look for;

  • where and how to search the right way;

  • whom to turn to for help;

  • how to motivate others to support you in your endeavor.

The conclusions drawn will point the right direction in the search for further information. You will be able to confidently set off towards your dream, knowing exactly how to stay on the right track.

You no longer need to strive to achieve the goal the hard way.

Go towards success in a straight line with GoalSet Master!

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