
 Gold is the champion in the world of finance

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic has negatively impacted the global economy. Experts predict a crisis of unprecedented proportions and an uncontrollable rise in inflation. The Bank of England said that Great Britain could expect the strongest economic recession over the past three centuries. The unemployment rate in the US has already reached its highest peak since the Great Depression*.

In such circumstances, more and more people are thinking about protecting their savings and improving their financial standing. Obviously, currency is not able to provide stability, because it is subject to inflation. As a result, the global demand for investment gold is growing. From time immemorial, the yellow metal has served as a “safe haven” for savings in times of economic downturn.

However, there are other valuable assets, such as crude oil, real estate and diamonds. Why is gold so highly regarded among other valuables?

Let's figure it out.

Gold and crude oil

Without a doubt, crude oil is a valuable fuel and industrial resource, but during crisis, many companies shut down production, people spend less petrol, and therefore oil consumption gets reduced. This adversely affects the price of “black gold”. Today we are witnessing how the crude oil market is experiencing a real catastrophe. It got to the point that the price of some grades of crude oil fell below zero per barrel.

Even a small grain of gold has an impressive value, which is not the case for a drop of crude oil.

Let’s compare:

  • at the time of writing this article, the price of an ounce of gold (31 grams) — $1,762;

  • the price of crude oil of various grades varies within the range of $10 to $30 per barrel (158.988 liters).

It turns out that a compact gold bar (1 oz.) is equivalent to about ten thousand liters of crude oil.

Gold and real estate

Any house or apartment always requires expenses: repair costs, maintenance costs and paying taxes. Selling real estate is a complex bureaucratic procedure. It’s unlikely that you can quickly find a buyer and draw up a contract within one day.

You can’t put a house in a suitcase and take it with you on a trip in order to sell it profitably if the need arises, but it is easy to do so with gold bars. Ownership of the precious metal is confidential, while property rights are subject to strict accountability.

Yet most importantly, real estate does not pass the test of the crisis and most often cheapens during economic shocks, as opposed to gold — its price increases during recession, while preserving and accumulating the invested funds.

In the chart: housing prices in the United States dropped during the global financial crisis of 2008-2012.

Gold and diamonds

Cutting and polishing of precious stones take a lot of time and effort. There are no identical diamonds: all gemstones differ from each other and their price is determined by purity, color, gloss and other properties. So when it comes to buying diamonds, the buyer must have a solid knowledge and experience.

Gold bars made according to the same standard always have equal price. There is no need to compare such gold bars and study them under a magnifying glass.

Moreover, gold is assigned an individual currency code*. In other words, the yellow metal is an internationally recognized financial tool for the foreign exchange market operations. Diamonds lack such a status.


As you can see, everything in the world has its purpose. Crude oil is the foundation of our high-tech civilization. We need real estate for living or renting out. Diamonds are superb luxury goods.

But when it comes to protecting savings during a crisis, gold is absolutely beyond comparison. From century to century, the precious metal has demonstrated stability and reliability in difficult times. That is why central banks, billionaires and ordinary people stock up on gold.

Today, investment gold has become even more accessible to everyone thanks to the launch of the international platform GIG-OS, where you can purchase gold bars profitably, conveniently and safely, ensuring Financial Security for yourself and your family.

Do not wait until the crisis knocks on the door!

Take care of your future today!


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