
Emotional intelligence: psychologists' flam or a key to team success?

Today we will talk about such an important but not widely known factor as the level of emotional intelligence (EQ).

How important is it for teamwork? Can one person with high EQ lead a whole group to success? What should a leader do for the emotional development of his team? Lets see!

What is EQ about?

We all know about IQ which reflects one’s intelligence quotient and is a popular ‘determiner’ of person’s value and status. However, not only minds make the Earth spin: there is also an emotional component which should not be underestimated.

Many believe that a talented leader can ensure coherent work of the whole team due to his emotional and psychological resources and backbone. But one person with high EQ is not enough, especially if we talk about a group of people different in age, interests, needs, etc.

Leaders tips for leaders

IDEO business designer Raschini Venkatraman has tailored several simple rules that help to develop a team of emotionally strong business players.

Set teamwork rules

In order for each member of the team to feel important, it is necessary to discuss the terms to take place within the framework of collective work. Arrange meetings, make joint decisions, and consider different points of view. And don’t forget about gratitude, of course!

Gadgets can wait

What can be worse than a meeting whose participants are stuck in their phones? Multitasking you say? Not in this case. The chance to miss important information is high just as the level of defocus. If possible, leave phones and tablets behind the door when it comes to important meetings.

Team traditions

This rule applies to both working and leisure time. People who spend time with each other outside meeting rooms and conference halls are much more consolidated and effective. Go out for some joint informal dinners, arrange themed parties or outdoor games, celebrate symbolic dates – do anything that you and your team would enjoy.

Accept people’s strong and weak sides

The beauty of a team is that it unites different people into a single whole. But there is also a danger: often people expect others to follow the same patterns of work, behavior and manners they adhere to themselves. The task of a leader is to teach others tolerance and acceptance of each other.

Feedback matters

Often, problems arise because of simple lack of communication: people don’t say some things out loud, which provokes misunderstanding. We are not telepaths and can misinterpret behavior, needs or intentions of others. That is why we need to speak and encourage open expression of opinions not only face-to-face but also in public.

We hope these rules will help you create a dream team!

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