
7 Habits for Happiness: What Are They?

Increase the productivity and pleasure of life can by adopting the simple habits we gladly tell you about.

1. Morning coffee

Coffee-haters will surely argue about the harmfulness of caffeine and its addictiveness. But many are charged with vivacity and a good mood by having a cup of this fragrant drink. Morning coffee drinking is a ritual, meditation, aromatherapy, and time to spend on your own.

Expert advice: Not fond of coffee at all? Choose what you like: cocoa with marshmallows, green tea, fresh orange juice, whatever. The idea is that you should look forward to a rendezvous with this drink and it should boost your energy.

2. More music

It is scientifically proven that music positively influences us even before birth, in mother's belly. And its beneficial influence accompanies us all life long. It helps to cope with stress, relax, charge your batteries, and improve efficiency.

Expert advice: Love the good old rock? Try to appreciate the creativity of some local ethnic band. Keep abreast of the latest trends on YouTube? Get closer to the classics: jazz, blues, R&B – all genres have their roots there. Don’t limit yourself to usual genres, open up to new ones!

2. Less sugar

Yes, dear sweet teeth, the argument "sweet lifts my mood", is outdated, alas. By establishing sweet limits, you will lose excess weight, solve stomach problems and brighten your mind. No starving though: just replace sweets and cookies with nuts and fruits, you will definitely enjoy the result!

Expert advice: If you are hit by "sugar hunger" and you crave a candy so much that you even tremble, bitter chocolate and protein foods - curd, eggs, beans - will come to the rescue. And remember that such desires are signs of your body about the lack of certain elements that should not be muffled with macaroons and Sundae.

4. Getting up early

Of course, there are dedicated “owls”, but in general the nature of people is such that waking up to roosters singing and going to bed after sunset is our thing. As little as a century ago, the basic lifestyle was based on a light day, and no one even suspected that they were "larks" or some other options were available. Early morning means a cheerful day, more accomplished tasks and a healthy sleep.

Expert advice: Just a few days by the alarm clock will be enough to get used to a new routine. Your body won’t allow you stay up late: you will feel drowsy long before midnight.

5. Stop shooting the breeze

Scientists say that those who discuss serious topics, concepts, ideas and thoughts are much happier than plain chatterboxes. The topic itself is not that important: it can be philosophy, physics or heart-to-heart talks.

Expert advice: Of course, no one bans small talks about the weather and "how was your weekend?", this is an elementary courtesy. But remember to prioritize!

6. Touch but not too much

Even elephants know that that hugs are a powerful antidepressant. That’s why they hug members of their family at least 10 times a day. They use trunks for this, and people have to go around with their hands. Even a simple touch, pat on the shoulder or any other tactile impact increases the level of oxytocin, the love hormone, and generates a sense of reward in our nervous system.

Expert advice: Don’t rush to maul everyone you see: people you don’t know well enough or those who are accustomed to an extended comfort zone, can negatively react to your excessive kinesthetic interest. But easy touches, light hugs when meeting each other or saying goodbye, mindful handshakes help to increase the level of trust.

7. Do good deeds

Good deeds are usually associated with willingness to genuinely share your time, energy, money or other resources. Everyone benefits from good deeds: one side is saved, and the other is inspired. The main point is not to wait for some goodies in return, karma knows who and when to encourage.

Expert advice: Not sure where to start? You can reach out to anyone: a granny who is afraid of crossing the road alone; a kitten who hasn’t eaten for three days; a tramp in an underground walkway. Any help is a new step to a better version of oneself.

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