
Video compilation: the 7 most lively Global InterGold videos in 2015!

It's better to see something once than to hear about it a thousand times. Even better it is to watch these videos a thousand times to understand the foundations of the Online Gold Shop.

In this article we have compiled especially for you the 7 most vibrant videos in 2015! Watch and enjoy!

Why do people like obtaining information in videos? Firstly, it takes less time. Secondly, it is easier to remember this information. And thirdly, videos are a pretty convenient format.

So, sit back and enjoy these videos of 2015!

1. Video about the company

It is by no mere chance that this short video has more than 120,000 views. It explains in a clear and concise way what is the Global InterGold Online Gold Shop, how it works and how you can generate income. A must-watch.

2. Grand Presentation in Zurich

The Global InterGold Grand Presentation in Zurich was one of the foremost events this year with a record attendance of guests from 37 countries. Watch the video and see with your own eyes the solemnity and luxury of the event!

3. Global InterGold Leaders Watches

This video contains close-up shots that show in detail the high quality of Global InterGold Leaders Watches. Elegance, precision, and gold always accompany true leaders.

4. Inauguration of the office in Zurich

Guests' dazzling smiles are the indisputable stars of this video together with their sincere words about Global InterGold. The inauguration of the Global InterGold representative office was a day to remember. If you have not yet visited it, do not miss this video.

5. Customers celebrate Christmas and New Year

We just couldn't miss this video. Happiness and enthusiasm were reflected on the faces of the guests, all accompanied by pulsating and frenetic rhythms. Global Christmas had the perfect atmosphere to dance the night away!

6. Luxury Watches as presents for Top Leaders!

No words can describe what the top leaders felt when the management granted them these high awards for their overwhelming success. They could not hold their happiness! What is the exclusive brand of the watches which touched these leaders' hearts?

7. Full information about the company by the President

Who could explain the foundations of the company, the uniqueness of the product and its opportunities for customers better than a company representative? Watch and pay attention to every detail!

We hope you enhanced your understanding of the company, its customers and everything that surrounds it. Some people could find themselves or their friends in the videos, but for sure all of you charged your batteries and could breath joy! Time well spent!

Take right decisions when buying gold!
Global InterGold

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