
Global InterGold Events Calendar

The Global InterGold Online Gold Shop leaves its mark in different countries worldwide! Thousands of clients attend Global InterGold conferences and presentations to turbo-charge their gold business growth!

Some events are organized by initiatives of clients and others by the Global InterGold Online Gold Shop. Which have caused the greatest excitement for clients?

Since the launch of the Global InterGold Online Gold Shop, clients have attended diverse events in different corners of the planet. Every month, around 2 conferences are held.

Which ones were the most thrilling?

Global InterGold Presentation in Saint Petersburg, Russia

Saint Petersburg was the venue for the launch of the Global InterGold Online Gold Shop. The attendees were delighted to find out the novelties, hear the address of the President and share a slice of the delicious globe-shape cake. For many it was the first time in the cultural capital of Russia, so they took a cultural tour around the many beautiful places of the city.

First Conference Organized by the Clients, Madrid, Spain

The first conference organized by Global InterGold clients took place in Madrid, Spain. The event was held at the five star InterContinental hotel and gathered many clients from all parts of the world. On the event, every leader received an award for his contribution to the development of the gold business personally from the President's hands and acquired new knowledge about gold business.

Grand Presentation in Zurich, Switzerland

The Grand Presentation 2015 was held in one of the world's main financial centers, more specifically at The Dolder Grand hotel. The company management gave speeches about the company development, novelties about awards, etc. The entertaining part included musical performances and exquisite appetizers. The event was followed by the inauguration of the new Global InterGold representative office in the Swiss city.

Gold Convention in Mexico City, Mexico

Gold Convention Mexico' 2015 was held in the first class Marquis Reforma hotel, located in Mexico D.F. business district. About 600 people mainly from Latin American countries arrived to listen to the speeches of the company management and leaders, receive new knowledge about the business and the best skills to be the best businessman.

Gold Convention in Athens, Greece

The conference in Greece was attended by around 200 guests from the Philippines, Russia, Japan and other countries, including the host country. The Hellenic country and guests had the opportunity to meet the company management in the Divani Palace Acropolis hotel – a truly unforgettable event for the clients.

Global Convention in Munich, Germany

Prior to the event, attendees visited the important International Precious Metals & Commodities Show. At the Global Convention, clients learnt the latest developments and future goals of Global InterGold and received their well-deserved awards from the management. Leaders received the exceptional Global InterGold Leaders Watch, while the top leaders were awarded fabulous Rolex Gold Watches – a true and complete acknowledgement!

Global InterGold events are always special occasions for the clients. The Online Gold Shop maintains a high level of organization, plans not to stop at what has been achieved and wants continue organizing events in different parts of the planet!
Read the article about Global InterGold working principles in the 21st centuryGlobal InterGold striving for excellence

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