
The reaction of Global InterGold clients to gifts at the Madrid conference finally in video!

What gifts did Global InterGold clients receive during the conference celebrated in Madrid? What were their emotions during the prize-giving ceremony?

Watch the video and find out what happened in the conference hall of the InterContinental Hotel during the international event!

Do you often attend international events where people from several continents come together? Do you often hear storms of applause in your honor? How many sincere smiles could you count during one event?

On the first international Global InterGold conference in Madrid, in the business class InterContinental hotel, the prize-giving ceremony astonished the guests. The stories about this event have circulated around the world! And this video has inspired more than a millino clients from different corners of the planet!

It is always a great pleasure to receive gifts, especially when they are given for achieving high results in your business. The leaders of Global InterGold always receive acknowledgement for their great contribution to the business, apart from great surprises from the Online Gold Shop management. The achievements of clients, their desire to help people and join efforts to achieve the common goal are always appreciated by the Global InterGold management.

Watch the video about the prize-giving ceremony of the Global InterGold conference in the InterContinental hotel in Madrid, Spain! Look for familiar faces there!

Choose the golden way like more than one millino Global InterGold clients have done!

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  1. ¡No habéis visto nada como esto antes! Unos eventos son buenos, otros son fantásticos , ¡y la Convención de Oro en México ha sido uno de los mejores y mayores eventos! Aquí tenéis la oportunidad de verlo con vuestros propios ojos. ¡Gracias a los clientes de América Latina por ser tan geniales! ¡Sois increíbles!
    ¡Comparta y etiquete a sus grupos! No os perdáis este vídeo: https://youtu.be/t2VF8SqC0E0

    #GIG #GlobalInterGold #video #gold4business #Mexico

  2. I am always going to the Global InterGold events! Bexcause they are awesome!


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