
Grand Presentation 2015: new clients awards presentation and gold bars for the guests!

The pride of Switzerland: The Dolder Grand Hotel. Business people from more than 20 countries. Presentation of luxurious watches, branded gold bars and other awards for Global InterGold clients.
All this and more in the Global InterGold Grand Presentation 2015 – the new chapter in gold history. Get the details firsthand!

Grand Presentation 2015: business people from more than 20 countries assembled in one of the main economic centers of the world! 

The doors of the luxurious The Dolder Grand hotel, located in the top of a Swiss hill, opened for the Grand Presentation 2015 attendants by midday. The guests came from Spain, Italy, Russia, Germany, Poland, France, Estonia, Israel, Lithuania, Mexico, Kazakhstan and many other countries! 
The Grand Presentation started with the ceremonial speech of the Global InterGold representative office administrator, and was followed by the speeches of the management. 
During the official part of the event, some guests were invited on stage to share their business goals with the Global InterGold product. One of the clients declared his goal was nothing less than to earn 3,000 € per day within one year! 
Other client admitted his primary goal to start the business was to make money, and how this goal changed over time to help people. Another client reminded the responsibility to share all the knowledge of the gold business.
A matter of pride for the management was the fact every client on stage shared on thing in common: they all believe Global InterGold is more than about business and money; it is an amazing opportunity to help people and achieve prosperity.

The presentation of clients branded awards was the culmination of the event!

The culmination point of the event was the presentation of new Leaders Awards. The  Online Gold Shop management presented new awards which will be granted for an outstanding success in the gold business: Leaders Watches, exclusive Global InterGold branded gold bars, luxurious voyages and limited edition awards. 

The official report about the first part of the Grand Presentation is published on the website. Read more about: 
  • The Leaders Awards
  • List of countries represented at the event
  • Special gifts at the Grand Presentation 2015 in Zurich
  • And other details of the main presentation of the year!

Soon you will be able to admire the photos and videos of the event in the gold city, Zurich! Follow the updates and be the first to know the main details!


Gold, the real money!

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  2. ¡No habéis visto nada como esto antes! Unos eventos son buenos, otros son fantásticos , ¡y la Convención de Oro en México ha sido uno de los mejores y mayores eventos! Aquí tenéis la oportunidad de verlo con vuestros propios ojos. ¡Gracias a los clientes de América Latina por ser tan geniales! ¡Sois increíbles!
    ¡Comparta y etiquete a sus grupos! No os perdáis este vídeo: https://youtu.be/t2VF8SqC0E0

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