7 Quotes From Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant on Wealth, Success, and Leadership

Robert Kiyosaki is the author of a lot of handy content on financial success. Like "Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant", which has precise answers to the matters of building up wealth, achieving freedom, and becoming a good leader.

Today, we want to share a selection of quotes with you. How to become free, rich, and a good leader?

Kiyosaki, Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant, quote

When you expand your mental capacity, your wealth increases”

In sum, it is better to properly invest the money you earn rather than storing it. That's how you increase your wealth.

When the time comes to choose a smart investment, we study all the options thoroughly. And by doing so, we develop our inner entrepreneurial skills and mental capacity.

Remember, the only difference between an $80,000 deal and an $800,000 deal is a zero”

Remember that sometimes WE are the biggest obstacle on our road to success: we can be afraid to aim high, when the difference between a small or a big goal can be insignificant.

If you dare to dream big, the first thousand dollars you earn can soon lead you to your first million!

“If you do what everyone else does, you’ll wind up having what everyone else has”

Some people actually enjoy living like everybody else does. But isn't it more exciting to grab that opportunity, step out of your comfort zone, and experience everything that you imagined?

Only the brave get their reward.

Kiyosaki, Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant, quote

A lousy golfer with a new set of gold clubs is still a lousy golfer”

Robert Kiysaki explains this idea as follows: “Many people buy a new set of golf clubs hoping that they can improve their game, instead of first adopting the attitude, mindset, and beliefs of a good golfer.”

That is to say, the trick of success does not lie on better tools, but rather on constant self-development. 

Leadership is bringing out the best in people”

A true leader will see each person's best personality traits and will help them working on their strengths. You will see how disadvantages turn into advantages!

Be content with small steps, because each one moves you closer to your big goals and dreams. The key is to TAKE ACTION!”

But don't get stressed! Split big tasks into smaller ones and move forward little by little. Before you know it, you will have accomplished most of the tasks and will be closer to success!

Let's finish with Mr. Kiyosaki’s best piece of advice:

“My best advice is to prepare daily to be bigger than your smallness. Even though you may not be good at everything, take time developing what you need to learn and your world will change rapidly. Never run from what you know you need to learn. Face your fears and doubts, and new worlds will open to you.”

New victories are waiting for you!

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