9 Places to Find People for your Network Marketing Business

Have you run out of ideas for places where to find new clients? Do you feel you have explored every corner of the Internet without success but can't think of any alternative?

Don't worry! We have gathered a list of very effective places to find prospects for your network marketing business. Walk out the door and try them out! You will be surprised!

Many network marketers would say that the best resource to find prospects for your business is the Internet. Indeed, social media are handy and a very useful means of contacting people. There’s Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snapchat, Pinterest….and the list goes on and on.

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Online: we recommend...

1. LinkedIn. Nowadays, this platform has become a place in the Internet where professionals upload their career details to create a working profile. You can easily find there the prospects you are exactly looking for.

When it comes to using the rest of social networks, it is advisable to firstly master one social network before you move on to another. It is better to learn how to find prospects on one platform than to be everywhere without being able to meet the prospects you really want to meet.

Tired of the Internet? Do you need fresh air? Go out there!

Prospects are waiting for you in places where you least expect. Like places you go to every day. Can you guess any? Let's see if you ever thought of the following ones:

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2. The gym. Why should you go to the gym to invite prospects to your business? Because motivated people go there. A lot of people take advantage of their free time to work out and if they choose a gym, that means they are determined, goal-oriented. Probably the kind of people you need. If you attend classes at a gym, you will have a regular opportunity to talk to people and present your business.

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3. Clubs. Like book clubs. These are great places to make new friends and build relationships. You can also use books to see what people are interested in. Go deeper into their motivations and gain in new clients!

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4. Expos. Visit expos with your team. Specially those which are aimed at business prospects, like an entrepreneurs fair. Remember that your business cards are essential here.

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5. Restaurants and bars. Talk with every server you have when you eat outside: they are normally trained in sales and they may be looking for a better professional offer.

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6. The hand car-wash. You usually see expensive cars there. Why? Good businessmen take care of what they have earned with effort. Taking care of their belongings is a sign of responsibility.

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7. Church events. Church events are also great to find prospects. Why? Because people attending these events love being part of a community. You will build marvelous friendships there!

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8. Sporting events. Good places to have fun while establishing connections with other people. For example, parents attending their kids' sporting events show that they like spending time with their family. A networking marketing business will help them spend more time with their children while earning money.

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9. The mall. We have saved the best for last. Malls are perhaps the most effective of all the places to find prospects because the number of people that you can meet here is absolutely endless. Even if you go there every day, people will be completely different! The exact same location can bring you lots of new clients!

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