
9 tips to prosper in network marketing

MLM business is an opportunity to get financial independence, to unleash potential, and gain experience. Today, we will give you some tips on how to overcome obstacles and succeed in network marketing.

Network marketing is associated with unlimited earnings, leaders, teams, training and promotion. In order not to be mistaken on this path, it is necessary to follow the basic rules of communication with customers and personal positioning.

The author Val Besson in his book "MLM: New Approaches to Promotion and Sales" conveys the limits of that allowed and recommends what to avoid so as not to destroy yourself and your business.

1. Don’t persuade

A person who is ready to go through humiliation and long persuasion, is most likely not trustworthy. A pleading employee who repeats the same thing tediously, only seeks to get a signature. And even though each signature might reflect the consent of a person to participate in business, usually, after such persuasion no one feels satisfaction.

The effect can be achieved without persuading by simply inviting to participate in a company’s event. At such meetings, confident people will talk about the structure of the company and the positive aspects of MLM.

2. Do not lend funds

Sometimes, people would gladly agree to start a business if they were given money. They enthusiastically talk about their desire to work, BUT such customers often don’t feel like repaying the debts. They lack motivation, have no sense of responsibility for the money they have, and don’t feel that they do need it at all. With such people, you may simply lose time and money. Say a bold "NO!" to them and negotiate with somebody else.

3. Don’t do others’ work

Remember an important point to consider when organizing MLM. If you want to invite a person just for the sake of the number of distributors, one day you will have to pay for it. When promising a person the bright future, then, most likely, you will work for him. You take responsibility for new people, and such a model may easily collapse. Work actively with eager clients and don’t waste your time on "dead souls".

4. Attend company’s events

At meetings with leaders and during company’s events, a tone to follow during work is set. Modern trends and the main business strategies are often pronounced during such events. Therefore, the value of such meetings is obvious. If you stand aside, there is a chance to get into the routine and miss modern ways of working.

5. Don’t entertain those who don’t care

There is a category of clients who simply want to plunge into something new for a short time. They don’t try to sell, they don’t show activity, just regularly attend seminars and trainings. They are interested in the fact of going somewhere to communicate. Such people destroy the structure, you’d better not expect positive results from them.

6. Don’t trust people who work at several MLM companies

Many companies prohibit their distributors from participating in the development of other network marketing companies. This is due to the reputation, ethics of the undertaking and corporate policy. When a person offers goods from different manufacturers to a buyer, it means that he has not finalized his decision and misleads customers.

7. Run business positively

You need to be able to work with any negativity. Experienced upline people are the best support in this. Their knowledge may easily solve any issue with a ‘minus’ sign. Don’t leave negative feelings inside, they destroy and leave doubts.
The main rule: all the negative goes up, all the positive does down, then the structure will develop steadily.

8. Don’t settle disputes

Any quarrels lead to the destruction of the integrity of a company when people get divided into hostile sides. The most important thing is to prevent and stop this at any attempt. Working relations are only for doing business, let all disputes and disagreements stay at home. The main goals of working with a company are to change your life and gain financial independence, the rest is not important.

9. Don’t quit

If you decide to end your relationship with a company, it means that you will miss opportunities open for you. You will lose the chances of earning well, working in a team, participating in events, learning and developing. Although, the time will tell whether you have made the right decision.
Remember that it is always worth moving on, looking for new perspectives and believing in your own leadership opportunities.

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