
5 pitfalls on the way to success

Famous stars, politicians, writers and athletes are happy to share their secrets of success.

Let's find out what sets us apart from success and how you should act to overcome any obstacles on your way.

In order to achieve anything you must be brave enough to fail”
Actor and writer Kirk Douglas

Prosperous people radiate positive energy, everything always works well when they get down to it. They strive for more and always go forward no matter what.

The TalentSmart consulting company conducted a study to investigate the topic of success. According to the collected data, 90% of successful people can take control over any situation. They are concentrated, calm and productive.

 So what prevents ordinary people from achieving success?

Lack of plan

It is a bad plan that cannot be altered”
Roman poet and philosopher Publilius Syrus

If you don’t know what you are going to do today, this is the first pitfall. Well-thought plans and the right priorities provide good support to your endeavors.

When you realize what is important for you today, you understand what to do tomorrow. And in a while, you will be able to clearly answer the question: what are your goals for the next 3-5 years?

Analyze every day of yours to draw up a plan for the whole life. Your to-do-list should reflect your goals, not someone else’s. And you should literally crave them. You can certainly adjust your plan depending on changing circumstances, don’t be afraid of it. Remember that the most important thing is to be aware of what you are doing at every step.


Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work”
Stephen King

Psychologists have developed an effective and simple rule of 10 minutes, which allows you to combat procrastination. You have to persuade yourself that you will spend only a few minutes on a task. The trick is that in 10 minutes you will be so much involved in the process that will only have to finish the job!

Tasks pile up like a snowball. Tomorrow won’t be easier, you will still have to carry out all of them, so it’s up to you whether to deal with them one by one or all al once.

Set a deadline for yourself, put a reminder, and get rid of the second pitfall: the habit of postponing things for tomorrow.

Unreasonably high expectations

A thing long expected takes the form of the unexpected when at last it comes”
Mark Twain

Can you imagine how many thoughts are there in one’s head? Some seek to fly to the Moon, while others dream of buying a villa on an exotic island, playing at Wimbledon or singing in the final of the Eurovision Song Contest. These expectations may look like goals but only if these people are professional sportsmen or singers, have a fortune or broad experience in astronautics.

Assess your opportunities in terms of capabilities and circumstances. Let your sober perception of reality help you bypass the third pitfall and cure the syndrome of unreasonably high expectations.


If you have no confidence in self, you are twice defeated in the race of life”
Civil rights activist Marcus Garvey

People give up their dreams when don’t believe they will achieve what they want. They lack faith, patience and strength while their fears go wild. The inability to believing in yourself is the fourth pitfall on the road to success.

Help yourself! Speak confidently, communicate your thoughts to other people clearly, and learn how to persuade.

Believe that you can do it!

No motivation

I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the non-successful ones is pure perseverance”
Steve Jobs

We strive for happiness and success, though sometimes may give up halfway. But if you know exactly why you need something, you will find the way to achieve it.

It’s up to you whether to do or not to do, to be or not to be, to act or not to act. Your perseverance and motivation will determine how high you will get.

By leaving the fifth pitfall behind, you prove to yourself that you can manage anything. If you take the first step, new pinnacles and accomplishments will await you ahead.

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