
MLM Business Experts' Hacks: Daily Routine to Success

Ever wonder why MLM works so well for some businessmen – but doesn't seem to work at all for others?

Well, luck has very little to do with it. The secret? Smart businessmen follow a daily routine focused on success.

In fact, it isn't just about a daily routine and discipline – they commit to work from day one.
If your goal is to build a stable business and start earning figures of more than 5 numbers, the following Daily Plan from 5 to 8 hours per day is the best for you.

Why is this a sure-fire way to succeed?

This plan is based on good time management – you choose to work SMART.

You share the business opportunity and product with SO MANY people and in such A FEW TIME, that you have more probabilities to expand your team!

Steady, Ready, Go!

Global InterGold, MLM, daily routine, businessmen

Once you register, these are the first steps to take:

  1. Write down a contact list. All the people you know: in your phone, agenda, social networks, etc.
  2. Train how to contact people with your sponsor or any leader (15-20 min)
  3. Read information about the business and the product you are going to promote and/or sell.
Let the Game Begin.

So now you are ready to prepare your 1st Daily Routine:

  1. Choose a schedule from 5 to 8h per day to work.
  2. Contact from 20 to 30 new prospects by phone, on Skype, or any social network (10 min per call)
  3. Make an appointment within the next 48 hours with those who accept
  4. Meet them with your sponsor or any leader to learn how to present the business opportunity (No more than 20 min per presentation)
  5. Register new clients
  6. Follow-up with people you contacted the previous day (10 min per client)
  7. Train and help new team members (20 min per client)
  8. Educate yourself about the business/product (20 min)
  9. Contact successful businessmen about the business (15 min)
Global InterGold, MLM, daily routine, businessmen

Time to Level Up

Once you are done with your contact list and learnt how to present the business, this is how your daily plan should look like:

  1. Find new prospects in the cold market: social networks, groups, business forums, etc.
  2. Contact from 20 to 30 new prospects by phone, on Skype, or any social network (5- 10 min per call)
  3. Make an appointment within the next 48 hours with those who accept
  4. Meet them and present the business opportunity (No more than 20 min per presentation)
  5. Register new clients
  6. Follow-up with people you contacted the previous day (10 min per client)
  7. Train and help new team members (20 min per client)
  8. Educate yourself about the business/product (20 min)
  9. Contact successful businessmen about the business (15 min)

Every part of this daily routine is focused on expanding your team and education so that they all can duplicate and keep on growing.

Take Massive Action!

Share and Start your way to Success! 

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