
To hoard or not to hoard? Saving vs spending

Relationship with money is never easy. Some people are like magnets, they literally attract money, and this money flow never stops. Others try to squeeze it tightly to hold on and it slips through their fingers.

What to do? Whom to blame? Can one learn how to deal with money?

Efficient money management is a key success skill, and the good news is that you can become effective with money if you decide to.

Global InterGold, the Online Gold Shop,

The major question is: shall you save money in a bank or under pillow or earn more and spend more? People often say that you have to make sure that you have some savings for a rainy day. Often it means that one starts pinching pennies which makes his life more of a survival than normal living. Sometimes people even long for this rainy day since only then they will be able to get the access to their own treasury.

Global InterGold, the Online Gold Shop,

Are hoarders lame?

Certainly, hoarding is not a bad habit. Those who like saving will say that they are smart: they don’t overspend and live on less than they make. That’s true, but what happens with money if you just store it in the corner? It depreciates. Every day it costs slightly less than yesterday. Of course, you can place it on deposit and receive a small interest but who knows when a sudden bank failure occurs and it wouldn’t be able to meet its liabilities anymore. So, is it better to spend everything you earn?
No one will blame you for that apart from your unhappy offspring who won’t inherit a fortune from you.

What are the options?

It all is up to you. If you are the one who thinks that not buying a cup of coffee with a muffin will save tons of money and allow you to buy a Ferrari, go for it. If you think that two pair of jeans and three T-shirts are more than enough to be happy and the rest can be invested in travelling and education, don’t hesitate to follow this path. But if you have certain businessman instincts and entrepreneurial spirit, you might consider starting your own business and helping your capital grow.

Global InterGold, the Online Gold Shop,

The best you can do is to choose a safe-haven asset and not just build up your personal reserves but increase your income and make it stable. Moreover, it would be nice if you could travel and run your business in any place in the world without any special and expensive equipment and hard physical labor.

Do you know that Global InterGold is the business which unites all these features?

Global InterGold, the Online Gold Shop,

Global InterGold relies on people, technology and gold and values its every customer. Become one of them and you will never face a choice whether you should buy a gallon of milk or you can’t afford it. Get a grip on your life!

Get to know more about the company and business opportunities in Global InterGold news portal!

We remind you that the Global Tour 2016 conference in Barcelona will take place on August 20. We wait for all of you there!

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