
T. Harv Eker’s 5 secrets of success

How to succeed in life? There is no universal recipe. However, after reading these proven tips from the well-known businessman and motivational speaker T. Harv Eker, you can select the ones that appeal to you. Follow your inner voice!

Your life depends on you

Don’t think that circumstances are stronger than you. If that was true, people would still live in the Stone Age. But mankind has conquered nature; technology and possibilities of earning are progressing every day. Set a goal and go for it!

The rich work for profit

You have just as much money as you think you deserve. Aim higher! Do you earn enough money? Your income can be not just ‘enough’, it can be fantastic! You are worth it!

Dreaming of being rich is not enough, you have to act to become one

Right thinking is a good start. But dreams can’t pay the bills, you need to act. It is important to continue developing and learning new things; and the latter is not only about the knowledge. It is vital to learn to effectively interact with people, study fields of your interest and be curious about the world in general.

Consider possibilities

Use your chances. Eker believes that at least 10% can be useful. Increase this percentage! Think about options to use these or other skills, ideas and knowledge.

Admire the rich

Envy can’t live next to success. If you meet a successful person, respect his success. Learn from it, master useful skills, and change your way of thinking. When you drop negative emotions which are pulling you back, you will be able to focus on success and reach it.

Remember that the most important thing is self-belief. Be persistent and patient in achieving your goals.

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