
Top 10 largest gold producers 2014

Gold mining activity ranges from small to large scale companies, from artisans to professionals – nobody misses an opportunity to build a solid business with this precious metal.

The Top 10 largest gold companies have the strongest impact on the sector. Which are them?

Statistics don't lie. The current world number one is the Canadian Barrick Gold Corp. In spite of a fall in the production of a million ounces during 2013, in 2014 the company produced 6.25 million ounces of gold.

The second largest gold miner is Newmont Mining. The production of this noble metal was 4 percent down on last year when the American company produced 4.85 million ounces.

The third leader of the top is the South African Ashanti which instead shows an increase in the mining production – getting close to the 2nd place with 4.44 million ounces of the metal.

The fourth and fifth place belong to Canadian companies, GoldCorp and Kinross Gold respectively, with a similar production volume of 3 million ounces of gold last year.

The next is the Australian gold miner Newcrest Mining, which produced more than 2.3 million ounces of the precious metal in 2014.

Gold Fields, another South African miner increased production since 2013 reaching 2.22 ounces of the yellow metal.

In the eighth place, the Russian mining company Polyus produced 1.7 million ounces of the noble metal - a 3 per cent increase since 2013.

The ninth is one more South African company, Sibanye Gold. This company has shown a considerable growth of production of 11%.

Finally, the 10th is Agnico Eagle of Canadian origin with a 30 per cent increase in production.

Apart from slight place changes in the list the overall picture is quite stable. The gold market and the situation of important gold deposits will impact the amount of production in the following years.

Visit the official Global InterGold Online Gold Shop website and get acquainted with the opportunities of buying gold under profitable conditionswww.globalintergold.info/

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