
3 Golden Minutes: the most exciting moments of the Grand Presentation 2015 in one video.

Which moments of the Grand Presentation 2015 are gathered in the full official video? Which outfits did the Global InterGold clients choose for the occasion? What did they say about the event?

Watch the full video now! Whose smile is the brightest?

With bated breath the whole gold world has been following the news about the foremost event of the year: the Global InterGold Grand Presentation 2015 in The Dolder Grand hotel, Zurich, Switzerland.

The attendees greeted and dedicated heart warming words to their teams in the videos recorded at the conference and already available on the Global InterGold official YouTube channel. Nobody wanted to miss the chance to share the main event of the year!

For everyone who wants to feel the greatness of the event celebrated in one of the world's most significant economic centers can do it watching the compilation of the best moments!

Watch and share the video!

Read the full article about the official and ceremonial parts of the event:

Gold, the real money!

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  1. ¡No habéis visto nada como esto antes! Unos eventos son buenos, otros son fantásticos , ¡y la Convención de Oro en México ha sido uno de los mejores y mayores eventos! Aquí tenéis la oportunidad de verlo con vuestros propios ojos. ¡Gracias a los clientes de América Latina por ser tan geniales! ¡Sois increíbles!
    ¡Comparta y etiquete a sus grupos! No os perdáis este vídeo: https://youtu.be/t2VF8SqC0E0

    #GIG #GlobalInterGold #video #gold4business #Mexico


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