
Are Global InterGold leaders made or born? 4 inspiring stories of success

The more a person climbs the professional ladder, the more demanding he becomes. Successful and professional people have made their way to the top by choosing just that what is best for them and are able to distinguish the real opportunities.

Why successful business people choose the Online Gold Shop and its innovative marketing incentives program?

On June 2015, the Global InterGold Online Gold Shop was launched opening a range of possibilities to business people worldwide; possibilities that successful people have not hesitated to embrace.
Why exactly do successful business people choose the Online Gold Shop and its innovative marketing incentives program and no other? Global InterGold leaders have been asked to share their opinion on this matter.

What is the background of the successful person who chooses GlobalInterGold?

That what determines success is not whether you have 15 years of experience in the sector, but the willingness to move forward. For those who need that final push, the advice of the Mexican leader Lucero Blasquez is to think “Where do you see yourself in the next 5 years? […] Global InterGold is the financial vehicle and today is the moment to choose it.”

What is the personal goal of the successful person who chooses Global InterGold?

As the successful leader Jorge Otsu answered “Just by buying and selling gold, I have been able to make a lot of friends and know more than 10 countries.” Leaders yearn for freedom: live and travel wherever they want, own and do whatever they wish without barriers.

What are the professional goals of the successful person who chooses Global InterGold?

Lily Pajuelo, leader in Japan, stated “I saw the immense possibility of helping a lot of people fulfill their dream, mainly thinking about my country, Peru.” Leaders' ultimate goal is to help people remove their chains and truly fulfill their dreams through teaching them build a lasting source of income and achieve financial independence.

Why successful business people choose the Online Gold Shop and its innovative marketing incentives program?

I was looking for a serious opportunity [...] The sector of gold is not subject to financial crisis and grows continuously.” Antonio Manuel Buendía, Spanish leader, could not have define it better. The product is a key part of every business, and gold has proved along history its worth as a stable asset.

Do you want more reasons to become a Global InterGold client? Follow the link and read on:

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