
7 and 1 golden rule to look like a million dollars to earn a million dollars

Much depends on appearance: the impression you create on surrounding people, your own self-perception that can boost your self-confidence, and consequently - your level of income.

How to look like a million dollars to earn a sum not less than this? Where to find such opportunity? Read the article and follow the golden rules of style!

There are certain rules of physical appearance and behavior by following which one can look presentable and be financially successful. The first impression is key. Besides different researches suggest that there are parallels between appearance and level of income.

How to earn more? Golden rules:

Rule 1. Look stylish, but do not tell others how much time and effort did it take you to achieve such an excellent result. Let your appearance speak for itself.

Rule 2. Do not show off labels. Like the previous rule. There are unobtrusive signs which signify status, though they vary from one country to another. It is advisable to follow every culture's rules to a certain extent to create stronger business bonds.

Rule 3. Do not tell how much it cost you. It is vulgar and is considered rather as the mask of the poor than the symbol of prosperity.

Rule 4. Love simple. It is preferable to choose pastel and light colors over shiny ones. Likewise, for women, wearing jewels in excess does not adapt to professional environments.

Rule 5. Stick to “traditional gold” rather than “new paper money”. Don't try to look as if you just visited a beauty salon. Let people see that your style is inborn, not bought yesterday.

Rule 6. The secret of perfection is in slight carelessness. It signifies a certain degree of freedom even if you are dressed in a smart style.

Rule 7. Get ready for admiring gazes which are guaranteed if you did everything correctly.

One more rule. In business, like in physical appearance, tend not to keep up with fashion, but to be stylish. A right variant is the business based on the time-honored product which will tell people about your taste and status. The Global InterGold Online Gold Shop offers a unique opportunity to earn income. More than a million customers earn a high and stable income.

Visit the official Global InterGold website and find out how to buy gold and earn with it thus ensuring yourself stability and prosperity: www.globalintergold.com

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